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How to find us

Lannion train station, 10 minutes from Trébeurden, is served by TER Bretagne and TGV
Atlantic from Paris Montparnasse station
Further information:  https://www.oui.sncf/

Lannion airport is located in the heart of the region, just 10 minutes from Trébeurden. Catering service, meeting room, Wi-Fi, bike rental and more are available.
Further information: http://www.lannion.aeroport.fr/
Further information: http://http://www.lannion.aeroport.fr/

Brest airport is located 100 km from Trébeurden. It is served by many national and international airlines.
Further information: https://www.brest.aeroport.bzh/accueil

From Rennes:
Take the N12 towards the D767 to Lannion
Continue on the D767.
Take the D11, Crec'h Meur road/D6, D21 and Corniche de Goas Treiz/D788 towards Rue de Pors Tremen in Trébeurden.

From Nantes:
Take the E3/N137, then the N12 towards the D767 to Lannion.
Continue on the D767.
Take the D11, Crec'h Meur road/D6, D21 and Corniche de Goas Treiz/D788 towards Rue de Pors Tremen in Trébeurden.

From Brest:
Take the N12 towards D786 in Morlaix.
Take the D786 exit and leave the N12.
Follow the D786 and D21 towards Rue de Pors Termen in Trébeurden

Nearby cities

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de Brest
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de Rennes
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de Nantes
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5h 30m
de Paris